Friday, September 16, 2011

Excursions to the jungle

And now to something completely different... Next week we will watch two documentaries, both somewhat related to the work on weakly-electric fish:

As a teaser we will see "Spying on an Invisible Sense", the movie the AG Benda created for the movie competition called for at this year's BCCN meeting. An exclusive preview, so to say!

The main movie of the day will then be “Wings of Hope (Julianes Sturz in den Dschungel)”, a documentary Werner Herzog made about Juliane Koepke who survived a plane accident in Peru in 1971. As the only survivor she wandered around the jungle for 10 days, while at the same time, Herzog was working in Peru on his movie "Aguirre". He had actually in the first place been scheduled to take the same flight, but by a lucky coincident didn't end up taking it. In 1998 together with Koepke he went back to the place of the accident and made this movie. The connection to the electric fish: Koepke leads a biological station in Panagua, where Jörg went for field work this year.

We hope that both movies draw interest not only in the AG Benda and look forward to seeing you next Wednesday (Sept. 21st)!

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